Dr. Kelly Strecker


Badge Badge

One summer day I was riding my scooter through the neighborhood with my sister when a big grasshopper jumped out in front of me…I tried to swerve but still hit the poor little bugger. To my amazement he was still alive, however had suffered a broken leg in the collision. I scooped him up, took him inside, and proceeded to carefully splint his leg with a band-aid. I made a hospital cage for him and kept him in my room under close observation. Unfortunately, he must have suffered internal injuries, because he didn’t make it through the night. But, hey, at least I tried! I knew growing up that I either wanted to be a teacher or a veterinarian. As I matured, I realized that I could be both. For a veterinarian is not only a doctor of animals but also a teacher of how to care for animals.

I went to college at Kansas State University. Go Wildcats! I spent ten wonderful years in Manhattan receiving a very diverse education. I was able to learn and eventually teach horse training, study abroad in Australia learning marine science, docent at a beautiful accredited zoo, and faithfully support a purple football team by helping carry the goal post to Aggieville after we defeated Nebraska for the first time in seemingly forever.

I graduated from veterinary school in 2007 and started working here at Care with two other K-State alumni. Even though I am now in Wisconsin, I still feel quite at home surrounded by purple and being able to reminisce about my Wildcats. I love working with animals of all kinds, but I particularly enjoy working with exotic species. My dream one day is to work in the field of marine mammal, sea turtle and wildlife rehabilitation.

My furry children include three ornery kitties; Arinya, Simon, and Annie. In my spare time I love traveling to spend time with family, kayaking on the Wisconsin River with my husband, cooking, scuba diving, and tending to my ever-growing succulent collection.